This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Law, Public Safety & Security career cluster.


The content encompasses a variety of services to meet the needs of the community including law enforcement, fire fighting, the court system, and the correctional system. The fourth year of the program allows students to do a shadow rotation through the Ocala Police Department, Marion County Sheriff’s Department and the Ocala Fire Department. They are also exposed to field trips to the Fire College and the Court House.


If you are interested in getting involved in our Law, Public Safety & Security

Business Advisory Council, please contact Sandra Dailey


Law, Public Safety & Security programs offered in Marion County are:

fpsa   The Florida Public Service Association, Inc. (FPSA) is the Career and Technical Student Organization for students enrolled in the Criminal Justice program.